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{{ rating.class_name }}
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Este fórum de discussão está disponível apenas para alunos registrados.
February Community Circle with Nicole Batiste
Members of The Wellness Universe, join our monthly Community Circle led by specially invited Premium Plus members of our community.
Each month we meet over a topic for a casual gathering and commune. Come, chat, gather and grow together.
February: This month we have the pleasure of Community Circle leader Nicole Batiste, facilitating this gathering.
Draw Your Personal Intentions Map! Let's gather and practice an exercise that my clients love to do! It will open your mind to true possibilities as I draw your intentions using the Draw Your Future (TM) process. This fun and inspiring process shows you how I help clients manifest through visualization and seeing their words come to life. Come and join me!
Each month we meet over a topic for a casual gathering and commune. Come, chat, gather and grow together.
February: This month we have the pleasure of Community Circle leader Nicole Batiste, facilitating this gathering.
Draw Your Personal Intentions Map! Let's gather and practice an exercise that my clients love to do! It will open your mind to true possibilities as I draw your intentions using the Draw Your Future (TM) process. This fun and inspiring process shows you how I help clients manifest through visualization and seeing their words come to life. Come and join me!
Detalhes do programa
{{ session.minutes }} sessão de minutos
Por vir
Sem Gravação
Sessão Gravada
aula ao vivo
Baseado em doação
Doação sugerida
Sobre The Wellness Universe
The Wellness Universe
Welcome to our library of classes below!
The Wellness Universe is a community of professional health and wellness practitioners, teachers, guides, and healers who make the world a better place through their expertise in health, wellness, wellbeing, self-care,...
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