Welcome to The Wellness Universe Wellnesspalooza 2025, Session 32 where Rosemary Levesque, Licensed Spiritual Healer, guides you to elevate your healing potential and achieve lasting results by shifting from dense frequencies to higher vibrations that support your body’s natural transformation to light.
What: Workshop
When: Saturday, January 11
Time: 5:30pm ET / 2:30pm PT
Where: https://bit.ly/WPBodyMiracle
Why It’s Important:
Vibration is everything, and we have amazing tools to help us heal. But what if we could optimize vibrational healing experiences to get more permanent results? Find out what stands in the way of the miraculous healing abilities the body has. Finally and completely eliminate dense frequencies, and allow a beautiful transformation to Light.
What You’ll Learn:
• The role of vibration and frequency in the body’s natural healing process.
• How dense frequencies accumulate and interfere with healing and higher vibrations.
• Real, attainable solutions that support healing on a physical and energetic level.
• Proven strategies to release dense frequencies and support your body’s journey to light.
Key Takeaways:
• Manifestation into physical form requires immense energy, will, and intention. We become DENSE as a be-ing of our Earth Mother.
• Our journey to wellness includes supporting and maintaining higher vibrations in the body. Find out how we do that.
• Dense frequencies we accumulate interfere with healing, and slow, or stop the journey of attaining higher frequencies. Learn what these frequencies are and how to avoid or eliminate them.
• Achieve a higher vibration and support your LIGHT BODY with these tools.
Who Is This For:
This program is for individuals and for wellness professionals who want more out of their natural healing modalities, including better and more permanent results. If you’re ready to optimize your vibration and support your body’s transformation into light, this class is for you.
FREE GIFTS TO ALL WHO REGISTER: Free eBook - Your Successful Healing Business, Book 1 Value $29.99
This session is one of over 40 sessions within the Wellnesspalooza 2025 10-Year Anniversary Event! Check out the entire event here and use this code to get an additional 15% off the bundle: RosemaryL15
The Wellness Universe Wellnesspalooza 2025 Event: https://bit.ly/Wellnesspalooza2025
About: Rosemary Levesque is a scientist, psychic intuitive, Reiki Master Teacher, Shaman, Vibrational Sound Master Teacher, Licensed Spiritual Healer, and international best-selling author. She’s developed a comprehensive certification program of Integrative Healing through the Federation of Spiritual Healer Licensing Board, as well as supplemental business training for wellness professionals. Her work over the years has connected her in a very intimate way with pure Christ Consciousness, the elimination of personal toxicity, Spiritual Energy, animal communication, and medicinal aromatherapy. She promotes healing and encourages wellness practitioners to expand their income stream beyond traditional methods to include building a network of like-minded professionals.
The Wellness Universe Profile: https://www.thewellnessuniverse.com/world-changers/rosemarylevesque/
Instructor's Account: https://wellnessuniverse.learnitlive.com/RosemaryLevesque
Author Page: https://blog.thewellnessuniverse.com/upleveling-wellness-featuring-rosemary-levesque/
IG: https://www.instagram.com/secondnaturehealing/?hl=en
Additional Information
DISCLAIMER: This program may offer health, wellness, and nutritional information and is designed for educational purposes only. You should not rely on this information as a substitute for, nor does it replace, professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. If you have any concerns or questions about your health, you should always consult with a physician or other healthcare professional. Do not disregard, avoid, or delay obtaining medical or health-related advice from your healthcare professional because of something you may have read, heard, or watched here. The use of any information provided in this program is solely at your own risk.
Developments in medical research may impact the health, wellness, fitness, and nutritional advice that may be shared here. No assurances can be given that the information contained in this program will always include the most relevant findings or developments with respect to the particular material.
The experts in the program are sharing tools, practices, and knowledge with you with a sincere and generous intent to assist you on your health and wellness journey. Please contact them with any questions you may have about the techniques or information they provided. They will be happy to assist you further!
Program Details
Jan 11, 2025
10:30 (pm) UTC
Wellnesspalooza 2025 The Body Miracle: From Density to Light - Rosemary LeVesque
60 minute session Recorded Session