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- 24ผู้เรียนทั้งหมด
- 9เซสชันทั้งหมด
- Aug 27, 2021ใช้งานตั้งแต่
- Cadogan, Canadaที่ตั้ง
Debbie Prediger, an Empowerment Leader and Strategist, has dedicated over two decades to inspiring thought leaders and change-makers around the world. With an innate talent for teaching, I excel in imparting knowledge, sharing life lessons, and highlighting the insights of others. Based in Alberta, Canada, my influence has spanned globally since 2000, thanks to my virtual engagement. As the proprietor of three computer stores, geographically spaced out, my expertise in fostering connections, educating, and online communication has been paramount. Additionally, I continuously seek innovative methods...
My journey has been a harmonious blend of acquiring knowledge and mastering life's challenges. As a business strategist deeply connected with spirituality, I harness my intuition to uplift my clients, guiding them to become leaders with empathy and awareness. I am honored with multiple PhDs, Master's degrees, and accolades recognizing my life's work and leadership. Further enriching my expertise, I have earned numerous certifications in business and energy healing techniques. Devoted to serving others, I am passionate about making a positive impact and enhancing the well-being of...