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High Vibration Living: Leaders Bridging Inner & Outer Peace
Leah Skurdal
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- 12Total Learners Enrolled
- EnglishAudio Language
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Join me for a sneak peak at what's coming in 2023! This year-long course offers monthly interactive, transformative, soul-filled experiences. This month my guest is Soul Artist Jane Ramsey.
YOU are a Soul Artist
Learn to Free Your Inner Artist
Enjoy a transformational hour of creativity with Jane Ramsey. Bring an art journal and markers (or even paper and pencil) and get ready for some fun self-expression.
Jane Ramsey is an author, artist, course creator, blogger, and transformational coach. She is the Founder of the following programs:
• The Soul Artist Experience
• Thriving in Retirement
• Creativity, Imagination, and Innovation
Jane, a Chopra-certified meditation coach, has been meditating for more than twenty-five years. She helps her clients transform their lives so that they feel more grateful, vital, energetic, peaceful, joyful and develop great abundance and loving relationships in their lives.
Her courses, YouTube videos and blog topics also include leadership, spiritual philosophy, finding your purpose, quantum physics, creativity, imagination, innovation, happiness, meditation and more.
To find out more:
This month's gathering introduces the year-long course coming in 2023, High Vibration Living: Leaders Bridging Inner & Outer Peace offered through the Wellness For All programming.
“Every heart-led leader's goal and purpose is to bring your highest and best self into your relationships so you can expand your positive impact and influence people for the good. When you raise others up it ripples out to the world. What does it take as a compassionate, inspirational leader to create your personal environment where YOU THRIVE first? We have the space where you get filled from within so you have more to give others. Create your life on purpose and make the impact you desire.” - Leah Skurdal
Learn tools and practices to:
- Respond from your adult self if an emotional wound gets triggered.
- Stay in your calm center when there’s a disagreement.
- Engage in emotional mastery when your emotions are strong.
- Trust your inner guidance to make sound decisions so you feel more confident.
Join us monthly in this interactive circle of leaders as we learn and practice BEING a bridge between inner peace and the outer world. Each session brings featured wellness experts who help you reconnect to your inner peace so you can operate at a high vibration and send ripples of peace and well-being to those in your orbit.
Each session includes powerful, life-enhancing stories, personal interaction, transformative exercises, and time for reflection to integrate what you’ve learned.
Between sessions, we meet as a community to support each other and get bonus support and guidance, including exclusive conversations with wellness experts in our Facebook Group - upleveling your experience, supporting you, and connecting us together as like-minded leaders committed to bridging inner and outer peace.
Join us LIVE for the interactive session or catch the recording at your convenience.
Leah Skurdal, keynote speaker, event leader, and workshop presenter guides heart-led leaders to nurture a resilient body-mind, improve their relationships, and respond to change with agility. Her workshop participants up-level their stress response, improve their relationships and expand their impact. She is author of Seeking Serenity: How to Find Your Inner Calm and Joy and is co-author in the #1 Amazon Best-selling Wellness Universe book series. Leah has spoken at events for World Mental Health Day, World Peace Day, the Parliament for World Religions, Women and Spirituality Conference, local businesswomen’s and wellness facilities and hosted a resilience building panel series in partnership with the Wellness Universe.
YOU are a Soul Artist
Learn to Free Your Inner Artist
Enjoy a transformational hour of creativity with Jane Ramsey. Bring an art journal and markers (or even paper and pencil) and get ready for some fun self-expression.
Jane Ramsey is an author, artist, course creator, blogger, and transformational coach. She is the Founder of the following programs:
• The Soul Artist Experience
• Thriving in Retirement
• Creativity, Imagination, and Innovation
Jane, a Chopra-certified meditation coach, has been meditating for more than twenty-five years. She helps her clients transform their lives so that they feel more grateful, vital, energetic, peaceful, joyful and develop great abundance and loving relationships in their lives.
Her courses, YouTube videos and blog topics also include leadership, spiritual philosophy, finding your purpose, quantum physics, creativity, imagination, innovation, happiness, meditation and more.
To find out more:
This month's gathering introduces the year-long course coming in 2023, High Vibration Living: Leaders Bridging Inner & Outer Peace offered through the Wellness For All programming.
“Every heart-led leader's goal and purpose is to bring your highest and best self into your relationships so you can expand your positive impact and influence people for the good. When you raise others up it ripples out to the world. What does it take as a compassionate, inspirational leader to create your personal environment where YOU THRIVE first? We have the space where you get filled from within so you have more to give others. Create your life on purpose and make the impact you desire.” - Leah Skurdal
Learn tools and practices to:
- Respond from your adult self if an emotional wound gets triggered.
- Stay in your calm center when there’s a disagreement.
- Engage in emotional mastery when your emotions are strong.
- Trust your inner guidance to make sound decisions so you feel more confident.
Join us monthly in this interactive circle of leaders as we learn and practice BEING a bridge between inner peace and the outer world. Each session brings featured wellness experts who help you reconnect to your inner peace so you can operate at a high vibration and send ripples of peace and well-being to those in your orbit.
Each session includes powerful, life-enhancing stories, personal interaction, transformative exercises, and time for reflection to integrate what you’ve learned.
Between sessions, we meet as a community to support each other and get bonus support and guidance, including exclusive conversations with wellness experts in our Facebook Group - upleveling your experience, supporting you, and connecting us together as like-minded leaders committed to bridging inner and outer peace.
Join us LIVE for the interactive session or catch the recording at your convenience.
Leah Skurdal, keynote speaker, event leader, and workshop presenter guides heart-led leaders to nurture a resilient body-mind, improve their relationships, and respond to change with agility. Her workshop participants up-level their stress response, improve their relationships and expand their impact. She is author of Seeking Serenity: How to Find Your Inner Calm and Joy and is co-author in the #1 Amazon Best-selling Wellness Universe book series. Leah has spoken at events for World Mental Health Day, World Peace Day, the Parliament for World Religions, Women and Spirituality Conference, local businesswomen’s and wellness facilities and hosted a resilience building panel series in partnership with the Wellness Universe.
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About Leah Skurdal

Leah Skurdal
I guide heart-led leaders to respond to stress in ways that improve their relationships and expand their impact. Through guided meditations, I align with Divine Love to bring the listener's highest and best self to their daily life. As an inspirational...
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