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Perjalanan Ajaib Bersama Lolita Guarin: Proses CALM
Lolita Guarin
Mulai Aktif
Mar 27, 2025 11:00 (pm) UTC
$ 33
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- 23Jumlah Peserta Terdaftar
- EnglishBahasa Audio
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Manage Stress While Managing a Business - FREE Webinar
Aug 21, 2017
Philippa B.
Feb 26, 2016
Chris T.
Good webinar. It was interesting, Lolita gave me some great ideas what I will do next.
Feb 12, 2016
Dru Ann Welch
Wonderful presentation. Very interesting and enjoyable
Feb 11, 2016
Kris B.
Great webinar - lots content. I liked that the webinar had stories and tips that actually I can use. Not like some talk about all in general and then ask something to buy! Lolita even gave free consultation! And I already scheduled it with her! Can't wait!
Feb 11, 2016
Nancy W.
learned a lot!. I think it was a very nicely done webinar, Lolita was prepared! I wrote it down few things that I can do right away. I even shared a link with my friend who is so stressed out all the time! I also registered for her free consultation!
Feb 10, 2016
Laura S.
Lovely webinar. I liked the webinar because it game me some ideas how I can make a schedule to lessen my load during the day. I liked also stories, and it made me smile!
Feb 09, 2016
Claudia G.
Great webinar. I think this webinar was one of the best prepared webinars that I have participated in. I liked the slides that displayed only few sentences, not like other people write their whole life story on one slide and ask us to read it. I liked that she included quotes, makes me remember better the things she was talking about it. Overall, great webinar, not too heavy, but not to light!
Feb 09, 2016
Lucia S.
Waiting for more!. I liked the webinar very much. I liked that Lolita explained everything in a calm matter. I liked her stories, it makes me remember her teachings better. I actually took her free gift – free stress management coaching session and can’t wait to talk to her.
Feb 09, 2016
Angela k.
Loved it!. Some of mistakes that Lolita touched were a surprise for me. I didn’t realize I was doing them! I thought that is the way life is and there is not much to do with that. I took notes and planning on implementing some of her advises!
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Selamat datang di: Perjalanan Ajaib bersama Lolita Guarin: Proses CALM
Lokakarya/pengalaman/ruang penyembuhan ini terinspirasi oleh bab yang saya tulis, Bab 22 – "Proses CALM," dalam buku The Wellness Universe Guide to Complete Self-Care, 25 Tools for Life.
Saya berbagi cerita tentang cara mengatasi stres dan tantangan hidup, menemukan kekuatan teknik sederhana namun efektif untuk mendapatkan kembali kedamaian dan kendali. Dalam bab tersebut, saya menjelaskan bagaimana Proses CALM menjadi alat andalan saya untuk mengelola stres dan tetap membumi, terutama di saat-saat kewalahan.
Setelah cerita saya, saya memberi Anda alat perawatan diri, praktik pribadi saya, untuk membantu Anda menjalani pengalaman hidup terbaik! Proses CALM dijelaskan dalam buku tersebut untuk mengajarkan Anda metode favorit saya untuk mengatasi stres dan mendapatkan kembali keseimbangan. Dalam sesi langsung (yang akan direkam) ini, kita akan membahasnya bersama untuk merasakan betapa proses ini dapat membangkitkan semangat, menenangkan, dan memberdayakan bagi Anda, dengan bimbingan saya dalam wadah yang aman.
Bergabunglah dengan saya. Mari kita lakukan bersama dan rasakan:
- Cara menilai apa yang dapat Anda kendalikan dan memfokuskan energi Anda secara efektif
- Menemukan kedamaian dengan apa yang berada di luar kendali Anda
- Mengubah pola pikir Anda ke apa yang berhasil dan meningkatkan upaya Anda
Anda akan memerlukan:
- Pena dan kertas untuk refleksi (opsional tetapi bermanfaat)
- Pikiran dan hati yang terbuka
- Ruang yang tenang dan sunyi tempat Anda dapat sepenuhnya membenamkan diri dalam proses tersebut
Mari kita alami perubahan transformasional bersama. Lepaskan apa yang menahan Anda. Datanglah untuk menyembuhkan, mengisi cangkir Anda, dan pergilah dengan siap untuk menjalani pengalaman hidup terhebat Anda!
Daftar sekarang dan kembalilah ke tautan ini untuk bergabung dengan kami:
Tanggal: Kamis, 27 Maret 2025
Waktu: 19.00 ET/16.00 PT
Sesi: 60 menit. Tautan: https://wellnessuniverse.learnitlive.com/Class/A-Magical-Journey-with-Lolita-Guarin%3A-The-CALM-Process/25904
Sesi Langsung: Bergabunglah melalui video atau dengan mikrofon yang dimatikan atau dengan fitur mendengarkan saja dan gunakan obrolan untuk berinteraksi. Akan ada waktu untuk terlibat dalam percakapan yang menarik, Tanya Jawab, dan kesempatan khusus bagi mereka yang bergabung.
Rekan-rekan Ahli Penulis dan saya telah menyiapkan SEMUA dari 25 lokakarya Alat untuk Kehidupan untuk Anda! Gunakan kode (masukkan kode Anda) dan dapatkan diskon ekstra 10% dari diskon 90% yang sudah dikurangi, tersedia sekarang hingga 2/14. Setelah 2/14, nikmati diskon 80% dengan kode yang sama.
Daftar di sini https://bit.ly/AMJWorkshops
Sesi ini akan direkam, dan siapa pun yang tidak hadir dalam sesi langsung dapat mengakses rekaman tersebut. Tentang Buku:
Penulis Utama Anna Pereira dan kontributor ahli penulis, Tafiq Akhir, Jill Alman-Bernstein, Keri A. Bentsen, Donna Burgher, Bonnie Chase, Jean Voice Dart, Linda Dieffenbach, Ilene L. Dillon, Ellen Donovan, Carrie Hopkins-Doubts, Lolita Guarin, David D McLeod, Kathleen S. McPhillips, Miché Meizner, Elizabeth Moore, Doris Siksek Muna, Dr. Kim Marie Pauline, Tina Plantillas, Kristen Hallett Rzasa, Desiree Holmes Scherini, Bonnie Sheldon, Nancy Stevens, Janette Stuart, Lisa Bonta Sumii, Kim Wagner berkumpul untuk merayakan 10 Tahun Kesehatan dengan Tools for Life.
Dalam buku kelima dalam seri The Wellness Universe Guide to Complete Self-Care ini, sang pendiri Anna Pereira menghadirkan kepada kita perangkat terbaik untuk menjalani kehidupan sebaik mungkin. “Inspirational People” bergabung dengan para ahli profesional kesehatan ini untuk menghadirkan kepada para pembaca sebuah buku yang akan memberi mereka kesadaran, motivasi, keberanian, dan perangkat strategis yang dapat mereka praktikkan di rumah untuk kesejahteraan pikiran, tubuh, jiwa, dan roh. Tools for Life adalah panduan yang akan bermanfaat bagi semua orang serta ingin diberikan kepada orang-orang yang mereka cintai.
Tersedia di Amazon:
Lolita Guarin, pendiri Be Amazing You, penulis, pelatih, pembicara, pembawa acara podcast, dan fasilitator lokakarya.
Lolita Guarin adalah penulis buku terlaris #1 Amazon empat kali, pembicara motivasi, dan Pelatih Manajemen Stres dan Kehidupan bersertifikat dengan pengalaman lebih dari satu dekade. Dengan spesialisasi dalam membantu para profesional yang sibuk mengubah hidup mereka, ia memberdayakan individu untuk mengatasi kejenuhan dan mengembangkan kebiasaan manajemen stres yang sehat. Sebagai kreator The CALM Process, Lolita menawarkan pendekatan unik untuk mengatasi stres, meningkatkan ketahanan, dan meningkatkan kesejahteraan secara keseluruhan.
Ia telah menulis buku-buku yang berdampak, termasuk *Crush Stress While You Work* dan *Stress Management for Adult Children of Alcoholics*, yang membagikan strategi praktis untuk mengurangi stres, meningkatkan produktivitas, dan meningkatkan kesehatan mental. Ia juga berkontribusi pada beberapa buku terlaris Amazon yang berfokus pada manajemen stres dan perawatan diri yang menginspirasi.
Selain pelatihan pribadinya, Lolita adalah seorang yang dinamis
Lokakarya/pengalaman/ruang penyembuhan ini terinspirasi oleh bab yang saya tulis, Bab 22 – "Proses CALM," dalam buku The Wellness Universe Guide to Complete Self-Care, 25 Tools for Life.
Saya berbagi cerita tentang cara mengatasi stres dan tantangan hidup, menemukan kekuatan teknik sederhana namun efektif untuk mendapatkan kembali kedamaian dan kendali. Dalam bab tersebut, saya menjelaskan bagaimana Proses CALM menjadi alat andalan saya untuk mengelola stres dan tetap membumi, terutama di saat-saat kewalahan.
Setelah cerita saya, saya memberi Anda alat perawatan diri, praktik pribadi saya, untuk membantu Anda menjalani pengalaman hidup terbaik! Proses CALM dijelaskan dalam buku tersebut untuk mengajarkan Anda metode favorit saya untuk mengatasi stres dan mendapatkan kembali keseimbangan. Dalam sesi langsung (yang akan direkam) ini, kita akan membahasnya bersama untuk merasakan betapa proses ini dapat membangkitkan semangat, menenangkan, dan memberdayakan bagi Anda, dengan bimbingan saya dalam wadah yang aman.
Bergabunglah dengan saya. Mari kita lakukan bersama dan rasakan:
- Cara menilai apa yang dapat Anda kendalikan dan memfokuskan energi Anda secara efektif
- Menemukan kedamaian dengan apa yang berada di luar kendali Anda
- Mengubah pola pikir Anda ke apa yang berhasil dan meningkatkan upaya Anda
Anda akan memerlukan:
- Pena dan kertas untuk refleksi (opsional tetapi bermanfaat)
- Pikiran dan hati yang terbuka
- Ruang yang tenang dan sunyi tempat Anda dapat sepenuhnya membenamkan diri dalam proses tersebut
Mari kita alami perubahan transformasional bersama. Lepaskan apa yang menahan Anda. Datanglah untuk menyembuhkan, mengisi cangkir Anda, dan pergilah dengan siap untuk menjalani pengalaman hidup terhebat Anda!
Daftar sekarang dan kembalilah ke tautan ini untuk bergabung dengan kami:
Tanggal: Kamis, 27 Maret 2025
Waktu: 19.00 ET/16.00 PT
Sesi: 60 menit. Tautan: https://wellnessuniverse.learnitlive.com/Class/A-Magical-Journey-with-Lolita-Guarin%3A-The-CALM-Process/25904
Sesi Langsung: Bergabunglah melalui video atau dengan mikrofon yang dimatikan atau dengan fitur mendengarkan saja dan gunakan obrolan untuk berinteraksi. Akan ada waktu untuk terlibat dalam percakapan yang menarik, Tanya Jawab, dan kesempatan khusus bagi mereka yang bergabung.
Rekan-rekan Ahli Penulis dan saya telah menyiapkan SEMUA dari 25 lokakarya Alat untuk Kehidupan untuk Anda! Gunakan kode (masukkan kode Anda) dan dapatkan diskon ekstra 10% dari diskon 90% yang sudah dikurangi, tersedia sekarang hingga 2/14. Setelah 2/14, nikmati diskon 80% dengan kode yang sama.
Daftar di sini https://bit.ly/AMJWorkshops
Sesi ini akan direkam, dan siapa pun yang tidak hadir dalam sesi langsung dapat mengakses rekaman tersebut. Tentang Buku:
Penulis Utama Anna Pereira dan kontributor ahli penulis, Tafiq Akhir, Jill Alman-Bernstein, Keri A. Bentsen, Donna Burgher, Bonnie Chase, Jean Voice Dart, Linda Dieffenbach, Ilene L. Dillon, Ellen Donovan, Carrie Hopkins-Doubts, Lolita Guarin, David D McLeod, Kathleen S. McPhillips, Miché Meizner, Elizabeth Moore, Doris Siksek Muna, Dr. Kim Marie Pauline, Tina Plantillas, Kristen Hallett Rzasa, Desiree Holmes Scherini, Bonnie Sheldon, Nancy Stevens, Janette Stuart, Lisa Bonta Sumii, Kim Wagner berkumpul untuk merayakan 10 Tahun Kesehatan dengan Tools for Life.
Dalam buku kelima dalam seri The Wellness Universe Guide to Complete Self-Care ini, sang pendiri Anna Pereira menghadirkan kepada kita perangkat terbaik untuk menjalani kehidupan sebaik mungkin. “Inspirational People” bergabung dengan para ahli profesional kesehatan ini untuk menghadirkan kepada para pembaca sebuah buku yang akan memberi mereka kesadaran, motivasi, keberanian, dan perangkat strategis yang dapat mereka praktikkan di rumah untuk kesejahteraan pikiran, tubuh, jiwa, dan roh. Tools for Life adalah panduan yang akan bermanfaat bagi semua orang serta ingin diberikan kepada orang-orang yang mereka cintai.
Tersedia di Amazon:
Lolita Guarin, pendiri Be Amazing You, penulis, pelatih, pembicara, pembawa acara podcast, dan fasilitator lokakarya.
Lolita Guarin adalah penulis buku terlaris #1 Amazon empat kali, pembicara motivasi, dan Pelatih Manajemen Stres dan Kehidupan bersertifikat dengan pengalaman lebih dari satu dekade. Dengan spesialisasi dalam membantu para profesional yang sibuk mengubah hidup mereka, ia memberdayakan individu untuk mengatasi kejenuhan dan mengembangkan kebiasaan manajemen stres yang sehat. Sebagai kreator The CALM Process, Lolita menawarkan pendekatan unik untuk mengatasi stres, meningkatkan ketahanan, dan meningkatkan kesejahteraan secara keseluruhan.
Ia telah menulis buku-buku yang berdampak, termasuk *Crush Stress While You Work* dan *Stress Management for Adult Children of Alcoholics*, yang membagikan strategi praktis untuk mengurangi stres, meningkatkan produktivitas, dan meningkatkan kesehatan mental. Ia juga berkontribusi pada beberapa buku terlaris Amazon yang berfokus pada manajemen stres dan perawatan diri yang menginspirasi.
Selain pelatihan pribadinya, Lolita adalah seorang yang dinamis
informasi tambahan
About the Book:
Lead Author Anna Pereira and contributing author experts, Tafiq Akhir, Jill Alman-Bernstein, Keri A. Bentsen, Donna Burgher, Bonnie Chase, Jean Voice Dart, Linda Dieffenbach, Ilene L. Dillon, Ellen Donovan, Carrie Hopkins-Doubts, Lolita Guarin, David D McLeod, Kathleen S. McPhillips, Miché Meizner, Elizabeth Moore, Doris Siksek Muna, Dr. Kim Marie Pauline, Tina Plantillas, Kristen Hallett Rzasa, Desiree Holmes Scherini, Bonnie Sheldon, Nancy Stevens, Janette Stuart, Lisa Bonta Sumii, Kim Wagner come together celebrating 10 Years of Wellness with Tools for Life.
In this fifth book in The Wellness Universe Guide to Complete Self-Care series, founder Anna Pereira brings us the ultimate tools for living the best possible life.“Inspirational People” join this expert cast of wellness professionals to bring the reader a book that will gift them with awareness, motivation, courage, and strategic tools they can practice at home for mind, body, soul, and spirit well-being. Tools for Life is a guide everyone will benefit from as well as want to give the people they love.
Available on Amazon:
Lolita Guarin, founder of Be Amazing You, author, coach, speaker, podcast host, and workshop facilitator.
Lolita Guarin is a four-time Amazon #1 bestselling author, motivational speaker, and certified Stress Management and Life Coach with over a decade of experience. Specializing in helping busy professionals transform their lives, she empowers individuals to conquer burnout and develop healthy stress management habits. As the creator of The CALM Process, Lolita offers a unique approach to tackling stress, promoting resilience, and enhancing overall well-being.
She has authored impactful books, including *Crush Stress While You Work* and *Stress Management for Adult Children of Alcoholics*, sharing practical strategies for reducing stress, boosting productivity, and improving mental health. She has also contributed to multiple Amazon bestsellers focused on inspiring stress management and self-care.
Beyond her one-on-one coaching, Lolita is a dynamic speaker known for leading workshops and seminars that inspire lasting change. She has appeared at numerous events, sharing her expertise on stress relief and work-life balance. Lolita’s passion for guiding others extends to her online programs and her popular podcast, *From Stress to Success Blueprint*, found on YouTube and Spotify. Her warm, dynamic, approachable style, combined with her deep knowledge of stress management techniques, makes her an influential voice in the field, helping others to not only survive but thrive in their personal and professional lives.
When Lolita isn’t helping others transform their lives, she loves exploring the world and new cultures. At home, she finds joy in cooking delicious, healthy meals and salsa dancing with friends in the vibrant downtown scene. You’ll often find her escaping into a captivating book at her favorite coffee shop. Lolita also cherishes quality time with her close friends, sharing laughter, stories, and creating unforgettable moments together.
Connect with Lolita:
Wellness Universe: https://www.thewellnessuniverse.com/world-changers/lolitaguarin
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LolitaGuarin
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lolita_guarin/
LinkedIn: [https://www.linkedin.com/in/lolita-guarin-a069a811a/]
YouTube: [https://www.youtube.com/@BeAmazingYou]
Additional Information
DISCLAIMER: This program may offer health, wellness, and nutritional information and is designed for educational purposes only. You should not rely on this information as a substitute for, nor does it replace, professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. If you have any concerns or questions about your health, you should always consult with a physician or other healthcare professional. Do not disregard, avoid, or delay obtaining medical or health-related advice from your healthcare professional because of something you may have read, heard, or watched here. The use of any information provided in this program is solely at your own risk.
Developments in medical research may impact the health, wellness, fitness, and nutritional advice that may be shared here. No assurances can be given that the information contained in this program will always include the most relevant findings or developments with respect to the particular material.
The experts in the program are sharing tools, practices, and knowledge with you with a sincere and generous intent to assist you on your health and wellness journey. Please contact them with any questions you may have about the techniques or information they provided. They will be happy to assist you further!
Lead Author Anna Pereira and contributing author experts, Tafiq Akhir, Jill Alman-Bernstein, Keri A. Bentsen, Donna Burgher, Bonnie Chase, Jean Voice Dart, Linda Dieffenbach, Ilene L. Dillon, Ellen Donovan, Carrie Hopkins-Doubts, Lolita Guarin, David D McLeod, Kathleen S. McPhillips, Miché Meizner, Elizabeth Moore, Doris Siksek Muna, Dr. Kim Marie Pauline, Tina Plantillas, Kristen Hallett Rzasa, Desiree Holmes Scherini, Bonnie Sheldon, Nancy Stevens, Janette Stuart, Lisa Bonta Sumii, Kim Wagner come together celebrating 10 Years of Wellness with Tools for Life.
In this fifth book in The Wellness Universe Guide to Complete Self-Care series, founder Anna Pereira brings us the ultimate tools for living the best possible life.“Inspirational People” join this expert cast of wellness professionals to bring the reader a book that will gift them with awareness, motivation, courage, and strategic tools they can practice at home for mind, body, soul, and spirit well-being. Tools for Life is a guide everyone will benefit from as well as want to give the people they love.
Available on Amazon:
Lolita Guarin, founder of Be Amazing You, author, coach, speaker, podcast host, and workshop facilitator.
Lolita Guarin is a four-time Amazon #1 bestselling author, motivational speaker, and certified Stress Management and Life Coach with over a decade of experience. Specializing in helping busy professionals transform their lives, she empowers individuals to conquer burnout and develop healthy stress management habits. As the creator of The CALM Process, Lolita offers a unique approach to tackling stress, promoting resilience, and enhancing overall well-being.
She has authored impactful books, including *Crush Stress While You Work* and *Stress Management for Adult Children of Alcoholics*, sharing practical strategies for reducing stress, boosting productivity, and improving mental health. She has also contributed to multiple Amazon bestsellers focused on inspiring stress management and self-care.
Beyond her one-on-one coaching, Lolita is a dynamic speaker known for leading workshops and seminars that inspire lasting change. She has appeared at numerous events, sharing her expertise on stress relief and work-life balance. Lolita’s passion for guiding others extends to her online programs and her popular podcast, *From Stress to Success Blueprint*, found on YouTube and Spotify. Her warm, dynamic, approachable style, combined with her deep knowledge of stress management techniques, makes her an influential voice in the field, helping others to not only survive but thrive in their personal and professional lives.
When Lolita isn’t helping others transform their lives, she loves exploring the world and new cultures. At home, she finds joy in cooking delicious, healthy meals and salsa dancing with friends in the vibrant downtown scene. You’ll often find her escaping into a captivating book at her favorite coffee shop. Lolita also cherishes quality time with her close friends, sharing laughter, stories, and creating unforgettable moments together.
Connect with Lolita:
Wellness Universe: https://www.thewellnessuniverse.com/world-changers/lolitaguarin
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LolitaGuarin
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lolita_guarin/
LinkedIn: [https://www.linkedin.com/in/lolita-guarin-a069a811a/]
YouTube: [https://www.youtube.com/@BeAmazingYou]
Additional Information
DISCLAIMER: This program may offer health, wellness, and nutritional information and is designed for educational purposes only. You should not rely on this information as a substitute for, nor does it replace, professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. If you have any concerns or questions about your health, you should always consult with a physician or other healthcare professional. Do not disregard, avoid, or delay obtaining medical or health-related advice from your healthcare professional because of something you may have read, heard, or watched here. The use of any information provided in this program is solely at your own risk.
Developments in medical research may impact the health, wellness, fitness, and nutritional advice that may be shared here. No assurances can be given that the information contained in this program will always include the most relevant findings or developments with respect to the particular material.
The experts in the program are sharing tools, practices, and knowledge with you with a sincere and generous intent to assist you on your health and wellness journey. Please contact them with any questions you may have about the techniques or information they provided. They will be happy to assist you further!
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Mar 27, 2025
11:00 (pm) UTC
11:00 (pm) UTC
1. A Magical Journey with Lolita Guarin: The CALM Process
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Lolita Guarin
I’m Lolita Guarin, the passionate creator of the CALM Process, a four-time #1 bestselling Amazon author, transformational speaker, and trusted coach dedicated to empowering busy professionals. As the author of pivotal works like Crush Stress While You Work...
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