Have you ever thought about what Soul Empowerment really means? Can the soul ever be disempowered? If so, what is the mechanism that leads to disempowerment? What does that disempowerment look like anyway? And how can we reverse the process so that the soul returns to a state of empowerment? What about your own soul? Do you believe that your soul is already empowered, or is there something that might be missing for you?
These are powerful questions, many of which we have tried to answer during the many episodes we’ve shared with you. But we thought we’d focus direct attention on some of these questions, and we’d love it if you’d join us to share your perspective, offer your comments, and ask any other questions you have that will help to increase our awareness of this important topic.
In this program, we’ll do a deep dive into the topic of Soul Empowerment, and this of course will mean that we’ll likely bring up many ideas and questions that might already be on your mind. For example, we often hear spiritual teachers say things like:
• You’ve got to get out of your own way.
• Don’t spend so much time in the comfort zone.
• Stay connected to your true self.
On some level, most of us understand the deeper meaning of these statements, but there can still be some confusion. Questions can easily come to mind, such as:
• How can I get out of my own way?
• What is this thing called the “true self”? How can I have more than one “self”?
• What is the “comfort zone” anyway? How do I get “out of it” or “beyond it”?
• What does “beyond” even mean, really?
All of these questions, ideas and concepts—and a whole lot more—are on the agenda for the next episode of Soul Empowerment. Please join us and share your perspectives and comments in the chat area during the live presentation.
More About the Team:
Kristi Borst, PhD: Integrative quantum healer. Her Perspective Reboot® process helps others release self-limiting beLIEfs, karmic/ancestral burdens, chakra blocks, and childhood traumas, which present as illness, pain, feeling lost/stuck. Sessions worldwide, all ages, private, couples, groups. www.DistanceEnergy.com
Nancy Stevens: International Certified Coach, Wellness Universe blogger, talk show host on “News For The Soul Radio”. She is also an accomplished speaker, educating groups and organizations about personal development and healthy well-being. www.NancyStevensCoaching.com
Sara Jane: Reiki & Vocal Reiki Master Teacher & Practitioner. Having worked on herself & healed her own early years trauma & hurt, Sara now supports clients, from her own experiences, to heal their own trauma & live a more fulfilling & happy life. Learn more & experience Free Tasters: www.VocalReiki.com